1.5 Abstract in rivista
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 425
AS - Asia 233
EU - Europa 200
Totale 858
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 403
SG - Singapore 215
FR - Francia 81
IT - Italia 58
DE - Germania 27
GB - Regno Unito 16
CA - Canada 12
HK - Hong Kong 10
LT - Lituania 10
MX - Messico 10
BE - Belgio 6
CN - Cina 4
KR - Corea 2
ID - Indonesia 1
SE - Svezia 1
TR - Turchia 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 858
Città #
Chicago 137
Columbus 127
Paris 81
Singapore 64
Milan 54
North Bergen 18
Seattle 12
Hong Kong 10
London 10
Mexico City 10
Fort Worth 8
Ashburn 7
Springfield 7
Toronto 7
Brussels 6
Ottawa 5
Frankfurt am Main 3
Prineville 3
Gwanak-gu 2
Pontedera 2
Rome 1
Santa Clara 1
Secaucus 1
Stockholm 1
Totale 577
Nome #
a 90 minute time trial performance is not influenced by a 5-HT/NA reuptake inhibitor 16
Central and peripheral mechanisms of muscle fatigue in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A patients 15
Oxidative stress affects FET proteins localization and alternative pre-mRNA processing in cellular models of ALS 13
Investigating the relationship between walking energy cost and physical activity levels in young and older adults living in a city district: application of a hierarchical clustering technique 13
Habitual walking patterns are associated to walking economy in young and older individuals living in a city district 12
A force velocity method for the estimate of one repetition maximum 11
The influence of phosphodiesterase's inhibitor tadalafil on the pituitary-adrenal response to exercise-related stress in healthy males. 11
Observing Parkinson's tremor by non invasive electromyography 11
Psychological well-being and social participation assessment in visual impaired subjects playing Torball: a controller study 11
Effects of vitamin D analogues on human skeletal muscle inflammation. 10
Predicting 60-day Recovery Outcomes After ACL Surgery Using Machine Learning 10
SFRR - Europe Meeting 2009 Free radicals, Health and Lifestyle: from cell signalling to disease prevention 10
Chronic oxidative stress, physical activity and antioxidant system: their role on telomere shortening in skeletal muscle 10
Physical demands of a single ballet exercise in adolescent female dancers 10
A supraphysiological dose of rhGH increases circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines in serum of healthy trained subjects 10
Role of nerve growth factor in modulating the survival of myogenic cells exposed to free radicals 10
Nonoperative treatment of partial thickness rotator cuff tears in overhead athletes 10
Mechanisms of trunk stabilization during gait termination in young and older women: A neuromechanical analysis 10
Validation of a Cycle Ergometer Test for Elderly Women Following Hip Replacement 10
The small Hsp beta-crystallin plays a key role in the resistance to oxidative stress determined by VEGF in skeletal myoblasts 9
Rapid effect of testosterone administration on neuromusuclar function 9
Determinants of maximal instantaneous muscle power in young, middle-aged and older individuals 9
Sport shoe stability and flexibility assessment 9
Exercise and extracellular vesicles content: a focus on antioxidants, stress proteins and miRNAs 9
The instrumented Fukuda Stepping Test: Quantifying balance impairment in patients with sub-acute stroke 9
Effects of dynamic resistance training at different intensities on muscle strength and power in healthy older women 9
Alpha B-crystallin regulation in C2C12 myotubes upon mild oxidative stress 9
Total free and bioavailable tetsosterone acutely increase after both short-term sub-maximal and maximal endurance exercise in healthy men 9
Pacing strategy of master athletes during a half marathon 9
Physical exercise and redox balance in type 2 diabetics: effects of a 4-month training program on cellular damage and biochemical markers of oxidative stress 9
Parallels and divergences: a comparative analysis of martial arts and western sports ethics 9
Muscle synergies in archery: An explorative study on experienced athletes with and without physical disability 9
Sirtuins pathways and redox homeostasis: a pilot study on young and old monozygotic twins 9
Muscle tissue maintenance: effect of growth hormone on ROS-induced apoptosis 9
Can physical activity counteract changes in redox-status biomarkers during chemotheraphy of breast cancer patients? 9
Effect of physical training on oxidative stress evaluated by telomere length and DNA damage analysis in type 2 diabetic patients 9
Role of vascular endothelial growth factor and nerve growth factor in modulating the survival of skeletal muscle myoblasts exposed to oxidative stress 9
A randomized controlled trial of speed training on a treadmill with body weight unloading in healthy older women 8
Characterization of HSPB5 protein modulation in murine cardiac cells exposed to a pro-oxidant environment 8
Endurance exercise and immune function: role of redox homeostasis and inflammatory biomarkers in systemic adaptation 8
Gait stability indices and their relationship with clinical scale scores in stroke patients 8
Exercise, redox homeostasis and the epigenetic landscape? 8
αB-crystallin activation in cardiac muscle by acute exercise mirrors the sHSP kinetic in oxidative skeletal muscle fibers: animal and cellular study 8
Gait stability assessment in Down and Prader-Willi syndrome children using inertial sensors 8
Neural and muscular contribution to weakness in stroke patients: Setup of a research protocol 8
Exercise-Induced Activation and Translocation of alpha B-Crystallin in Skeletal Muscle Depends upon Fiber Type and Oxidative Stress 8
Knee flexors-extensors coactivation during vertical jumps is reduced in skilled subjects 8
Tadalafil induces a metabolic switch in differentiated skeletal muscle cells 8
αB-crystallin modulation after acute exercise in skeletal muscle: the role of oxidative stress and fiber composition 8
The effects of short-term isometric training on surface electromyogram in young and elderly women 7
Use of sensor-based gait quality indices to assess physical rehabilitation programs in Parkinson disease 7
Non-therapeutic rhGH use and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in healthy trained individuals 7
Restorative pontential of fetal striatal multipotent progenitors in Huntington disease 7
Feasibility of incorporating a soft tissue artefact model in multi-body optimisation 7
The effect of active warm-up on surface EMG power spectrum and muscle performance in healthy humans 7
Heart Rate and Oxygen Consumption in Aerobic Dance and Treadmill Exercise in Middle Aged Subjects 7
Acute Testosterone Deficiency Affects Electrical Properties Of Elbow Flexors And Extensors During Voluntary Contractions 7
P-356_Exercise and extracellular vesicles content: a focus on antioxidants, stress proteins and miRNAs 7
Neuromuscular function in upper and lower limb of diabetic patients. 7
Regular exercise participation improves genomic stability in diabetic patients: an exploratory study to analyse telomere length and DNA damage 7
Diabetic Patients With Different Training Status Show Different Levels Of Muscle Weakness And Electrophysiological Impairment 7
A qualitative analysis of soft tissue artefact during running 7
Aminoacids supplementation and pituitary responsiveness to CRH-GNRH test in athletes 7
A single bout of endurance exercise induces αB-crystallin (CRYAB) modulation in cardiac muscle as it happens in oxidative skeletal muscle fibers 7
A.Dyn.O.—an innovative orthosis for idiopathic toe walking treatment: efficacy evaluation 7
Neuromechanical evaluation of lower-limb anticipatory postural adjustments early after ACL reconstruction 7
Effects of 21 half-marathons in 21 days on autonomic nervous system and psychological parameters: a case report 7
Alteration of human osteoblastic cell homeostatis upon exposure to sera of obese subjects: in vitro caractherisation 6
TrxR1/miR-23 as a novel molecular axis acting on skeletal muscle differentiation 6
A vitamin D receptor agonista s a new pharmacological tool for inflammantory myopathy treatment. 6
Effects of the PDE5 inhibitor tadalafil on plasma antioxidant status and markers of exercise-induced muscle damage 6
Effects of different PPARS agonists on human leukocyte subsets 6
Average muscle fibre conduction velocity of vastus lateralis and medialis muscles depends on both force and speed during cycling 6
Upper body accelerations during gait in typically developing children 6
Anti-inflammatory effectrs of VDR agonist in human skeletal muscle cells 6
BXL-628, a vitamin D analog, decreases RHoA/ROK signalling in rat and human bladder 6
An ultraendurance swimming event from Italy to Albany: A case study 6
Muscle power in elite master weightlifters aged 45-85 years of age 6
Effect of tadalafil in human skeletal muscle cells 6
AL Accuracy in determining the location of anatomical landmarks in the distal femur 6
Skeletal muscle injury from overload in Sports 6
Cognitively challenging physical activity and executive function in overweight children 6
Acetylsalicilic acid reduces the pituitary response to exercise-related stress in man 6
Psycho-physiological stress responses in Teamgym training and competition 6
Effects of Once and Twice Weekly Aerobic Dance Training on Physical Fitness in Women 6
Repeatable anatomical calibration in in-vivo movement analysis 6
Systemic response to acute aerobic exercise in the circulatory system: a possible cross-talk between plasma extracellular vesicles and blood monocytes 6
Comparing human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells isolated from MS patients with ND ones: possible impact on MS therapy and immunopathology 6
Does the high performance athlete need hormone replacement ? 6
Towards more reliable estimates of the hip joint centre location 6
The “leaky pipeline” in academic careers of Italian movement science faculties 5
Anatomical calibration of inertial and magnetic sensors for estimating upper limb kinematics 5
Gender-related effect of RHGH supraphysiological doses on thyroid function in humans 5
Effect of ultra-endurance swimming in open water on autonomic and hormonal responses: a case study 5
Functional and muscular gains in elderly: multicomponent versus resistance exercise 5
Neuromuscular function in diabetic patients with different degrees of neuropathy 5
Quantitative assessment of hopping skill development in childhood using wearable sensors 5
Totale 791

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160
2024/2025871 0 104 86 177 4 60 174 104 162 0 0 0
Totale 1.031