Dipartimento di Scienze Motorie Umane e della Salute
A Pioneer of Italian Sports Pedagogy and Philosophy
2017-01-01 Isidori, E; Kosiewicz, J.
A research on socio-moral Dilemmas in school sport in Italy, Spain, Portugal and France
2009-01-01 Isidori, E; Fraile, A.; Graça, A.
Academic mobility within the Erasmus Programme as implementation of the European Union's educational philosophy/АКАДЕМИЧЕСКАЯ МОБИЛЬНОСТЬ В РАМКАХ ПРОГРАММЫ «ЭРАЗМУС» КАК РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ ФИЛОСОФИИ ЕВРОПЕЙСКОГО СОЮЗА
2020-01-01 Isidori, E; De Martino, M.; de la Fuente Ballesteros, R.
Adolescents and lifestyles. A study on students' leisure in the province of Rome/Adolescencia y estilo de vida. Estudio del ocio de los escolares de la provincia de Roma
2016-01-01 Ramos, ; Maulini, ; Migliorati, ; Isidori, E
Agón or certamen? A philosophical analysis of the Greek-Roman agonistic paidéia and its influence on the conception of contemporary sport
2013-01-01 Isidori, E; Maulini, C.; Ramos Echazarreta, R.
Agón or Certamen? A Philosophical Analysis of the Greek-Roman Agonistic Paidéia and Its Influence on the Conception of Contemporary Sports
2015-01-01 Isidori, E; López Frías, F. J.; Ramos Echazarreta, R.
Alla ricerca dell'implicito educativo in J. L. Borges
2008-01-01 Isidori, E
An examination of adolescents' attitudes towards leisure activities
2015-01-01 Kaya, S.; Isidori, E; Sarol, H.
An Examination of Philosophical Profiles in Physical Education. A Comparison between Romania and Italy
2016-01-01 Iosif, Sandor; Adrian, Pascan; Gabriela, Rusu; Isidori, E; Francesco Taddei, ; Sabri, Kaya
An innovative European sports tutorship model (ESTPORT) for the dual career of student-athletes
2021-01-01 Sánchez-Pato, A.; García-Roca, J. A.; Leiva-Arcas, A.; Isidori, E
An innovative European sports tutorship model of the dual career of student-athletes
2017-01-01 Sánchez Pato, A.; Isidori, E; Calderón, A.; Brunton,
Analyzing Body Values in the Context of Postmodern Youth Education. A Comparative Study among Italy, Latvia and Romania
2010-01-01 Isidori, E; Et, Alii
Analyzing body values in the context of postmodern youth education. A comparative study between Italy, Latvia and Romania
2010-01-01 Isidori, E; Abele, A.; Sandor, I.; Ganea, V. G.; Taddei, F.; Maulini, C.
Anthropology of sport education: a bio-metaphysical interpretation of the relationship between body and movement
2015-01-01 Isidori, E
App e scuola dell'infanzia: nuovi strumenti per una didattica efficace
2020-01-01 Magnanini, A.; Isidori, E
App e scuola dell'infanzia: riflessioni teoriche per una Didattica efficace
2020-01-01 Magnanini, A; Isidori, E
Aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero a través de la educación física: una revisión sistemática
2017-01-01 Salvador-García, C.; Chiva-Bartoll, O.; Isidori, E
Arbitraggio sportivo, etica ed educazione: prospettive di analisi filosofico-giuridica
2013-01-01 Isidori, E; Di Pietro, B.; Pérez Trivino, J. L.
Attentional Characteristics of Fencers: a Comparison with Swimmers and Non-Athletes and their Pedagogical Implications
2024-01-01 Taddei, F.; Leonova, I.; Demareva, V.; Sánchez-Pato, A.; González-Garcia, H.; Isidori, E
Barriere e partecipazione attiva nello sport femminile: il contributo della pedagogia sociale
2024-01-01 Isidori, E; Giampaoli, S.; Martínez Castro, S. M.; Trombetta, M.