Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 544
EU - Europa 99
AS - Asia 71
SA - Sud America 9
Totale 723
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 528
SG - Singapore 64
IT - Italia 47
GB - Regno Unito 19
CA - Canada 15
DE - Germania 11
LT - Lituania 9
BE - Belgio 6
PE - Perù 5
CL - Cile 4
HU - Ungheria 4
CN - Cina 3
IR - Iran 2
IS - Islanda 2
HK - Hong Kong 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 723
Città #
Columbus 249
Chicago 115
Springfield 40
Ashburn 38
Fort Worth 37
Prineville 33
Singapore 33
Rome 14
Milan 11
Frankfurt am Main 9
Toronto 9
London 6
Ottawa 6
Brussels 5
Lima 5
Budapest 4
Concepción 4
Santa Clara 4
Cervino 2
Guardiagrele 2
Naples 2
Nardò 2
Sauðarkrokur 2
Arlington 1
Florence 1
Hong Kong 1
Johor Bahru 1
Mexico City 1
Rockville 1
Totale 638
Nome #
Performance analysis in youth waterbasket – a physiological, time motion, and notational analysis of a new aquatic team sport 16
Judo for older adults: the coaches' knowledge and needs of education. 13
Valutazione delle capacità di mantenimento dell' equilibrio statico in ginnastica artistica e ritmico sportiva 12
Heart rate and match analysis in pre-pubescent soccer players 12
Physiological and technical aspects of "6-a-side" soccer drills 12
Motivation for a dual-career: Italian and Slovenian student athletes 11
Determinants of the effectiveness of fast break actions in elite and sub-elite Italian men's basketball games 10
No changes in time trial performance of master endurance athletes after 4 weeks on a low carbohydrate diet 9
Agility assessment in female futsal and soccer players 9
The Gender Gap in Sport Performance: Equity Influences Equality 8
The Validity of the Session-RPE Method for Quantifying Training Load in Water Polo 8
Apprendimento motorio e prestazione 8
Effect of Active versus Passive Recovery on Metabolism and Performance During Subsequent Treadmill Runnning 7
Effects of task complexity on rhythmic reproduction performance in adults 7
Italian Sport Newspaper Coverage of Women's Sports During the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. Italian Journal of Sport Sciences 7
Data on Determinants Are Needed to Curb the Sedentary Epidemic in Europe. Lessons Learnt from the DEDIPAC European Knowledge Hub 7
Comparison of metabolic parameters on three different hydrobikes and exercise intensities. 12th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 6
Motivation towards sports and academics careers in elite winter sport Slovenian and Italian athletes: The role of internal and external factors 6
Coordination of Soccer Players During Preseason Training 6
Steps to health in cognitive aging: effects of physical activity on spatial attention and executive control in the elderly 6
Cardiac load in teamgym performance 6
Età menarcale, oligomenorrea ed amenorrea nelle giovani atlete 6
Correlation between anxiety and cardiac load in teamgym performance 6
Salivary alpha-amylase, salivary cortisol, and anxiety during a youth taekwondo championship: An observational study 6
Preservation of visual attention in older expert orienteers at rest and under physical effort 6
Analysis of the 800-m freestyle competition across age groups: recommendations for master swimmers’ performance 6
Exercise-mediated downregulation of MALAT1 expression and implications in primary and secondary cancer prevention 6
Validity and usefulness of the student- athletes' motivation toward sport and academics questionnaire: a Bayesian multilevel approach 6
Tactical, swimming activity, and heart rate aspects of youth water polo game 6
Steady-state redox status in circulating extracellular vesicles: A proof-of-principle study on the role of fitness level and short-term aerobic training in healthy young males 6
Yoga program for older subjects: acute and chronic physiological effects 6
Salivary Cortisol and Alpha-Amylase Reactivity to Taekwondo Competition in Children 5
Italian women's television coverage and audience during the 2004 Athens Olympic Games 5
Exercise and extracellular vesicles content: a focus on antioxidants, stress proteins and miRNAs 5
Evaluation of Intensity during an interval spinning session: a field study 5
Monitoring of the preseason soccer period in non-professional players 5
Rhythmic Ability and Movement Complexity in Gymnasts and sedentary individuals 5
Motivation for Sport Participation in Italian Older Athletes: The role of Age, Gender, and Competition Level 5
Maximal oxygen uptake of italian firefighters: Laboratory vs. field evaluations. 5
Time Motion Analysis of Youth Olympic Taekwondo Combats 5
Relationship between RPE and Blood Lactate after Fatiguing Handgrip Exercise in Taekwondo and Sedentary Subjects 5
Identifying and sharing data for secondary data analysis of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and their determinants across the life course in Europe: general principles and an example from DEDIPAC 5
Effect of number of players and maturity on ball-drills training load in youth basketball 5
Women's water polo World Championships: technical and tactical aspects of winning and losing teams in close and unbalanced games 5
The Interlink among Age, Functional Fitness, and Perception of Health and Quality of Life: A Mediation Analysis 5
Upper respiratory symptoms (URS) and salivary responses across a season in youth soccer players: A useful and non-invasive approach associated to URS susceptibility and occurrence in young athletes 5
Goal Orientation Profile of Italian Master Swimmers 5
Newspaper Coverage of Women's Sports During the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games: Belgium, Denmark, France, and Italy 5
Motivation towards dual career of European student-athletes 5
Yoga program for older subjects: physiological and psychological effects 5
European Student-Athletes' Perceptions on Dual Career Outcomes and Services/Pogled Evropskih Studentov Sportnikov Na Rezultate In Storitve V Podporo Dvojni Karieri.  4
Race Profiles of Rowers During the 2014 Youth Olympic Games 4
Session-RPE for quantifying load of different youth taekwondo training sessions 4
Validation of the Italian version of the Student Athletes' Motivation toward Sport and Academics Questionnaire 4
Anxiety and Teamgym Performance 4
Youth Sport Specialization: How to Manage Competition and Training? 4
Assessment of Rhythmic Ability: Differences Between Sedentary and Rhythmic Gymnastics Athletes" 4
Energy cost and energy sources during a simulated firefighting activity 4
Analysis of referees decisions during the FIFA World Cup 2006 4
Investigating External and Internal Loads in Male Older Adult Basketball Players during Official Games 4
Can older subjects learn to swim? 4
Reproduction of Rhythmic Patterns in Young Individuals: Toward the Construction of a Computerized Rhythmic Test 4
Maturity-associated variation in change of direction and dribbling speed in early pubertal years and 5-year developmental changes in young soccer players 4
Physical Activity and Health Perception in Aging: Do Body Mass and Satisfaction Matter? A Three-Path Mediated Link 4
Effects of competition level on the centre forward role of men's water polo 4
The Validity of Session-Rating of Perceived Exertion Method for Quantifying Training Load in Teamgym 4
Countermovement jump performance assessment using a wearable 3D inertial measurement unit 4
A life course examination of the physical environmental determinants of physical activity behaviour: A "Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity" (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review 4
Modulation of visuospatial attention at rest and during physical exercise: Gender differences 4
Focusing of visual attention under submaximal physical load 4
Motivation for sport in young italian competitive athletes 4
Non functional overreaching detected by an online training diary: a case study 4
Effects of official Taekwondo competitions on all-out performances of elite athletes 4
Field evaluation of cycled coupled movements of hand and foot in older individuals 4
Can older people learn to swim? 4
Monitoring training in teamgym gymnasts 4
Exploring correlates of physical activity behaviour in UK children and their inter-relationships using a multidisciplinary approach: A concept mapping study 4
Systemic Response of Antioxidants, Heat Shock Proteins, and Inflammatory Biomarkers to Short-Lasting Exercise Training in Healthy Male Subjects 4
Physiological and Technical Demands of No Dribble Game Drill in Young Basketball Players 4
Determinants of rhythmic ability: a pilot study on MZ and DZ elderly twins 4
Are scaled soccer matches suitable for the development of technical skills in young soccer players? 4
Tests for the assessment of sport-specific performance in Olympic combat sports: A systematic review with practical recommendations 4
Dual career experiences of elite coaches enrolled at university level 4
Motivation for Sport in Italian Competitive adult Swimmers 4
Feedback visivo e intensità di lavoro nell'indoor cycling 3
Validity And Reliability Of A New Test Of Planned Agility In Elite Taekwondo Athletes 3
Effects of Different Recovery Methods Following Futsal Matches 3
Field Testing of Functional Fitness in the Elderly 3
Salivary cortisolo and α-amylase responses to official Taekwondo competition in children 3
Salivary cortisol and a-amylase reactivity to Teakwondo competition in adolescents 3
Factors Influencing Student-Athletes' Identity: A Multilevel Regression and Poststratification Approach 3
Totale 542
Categoria #
all - tutte 10.040
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 10.040

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343
2024/2025726 8 164 199 323 13 19 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.069