Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 409
EU - Europa 75
AS - Asia 24
Totale 508
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 401
IT - Italia 44
SG - Singapore 20
BE - Belgio 10
GB - Regno Unito 10
CA - Canada 8
DE - Germania 4
LT - Lituania 4
HK - Hong Kong 3
AT - Austria 2
JP - Giappone 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 508
Città #
Columbus 132
Chicago 80
Ashburn 54
Fort Worth 41
Prineville 38
Springfield 37
Rome 23
Singapore 12
Brussels 10
Milan 8
London 5
Frankfurt am Main 3
Hong Kong 3
Ottawa 3
Santa Clara 3
Toronto 3
Montreal 2
San Giorgio Ionico 2
San Giovanni Lupatoto 2
Somma Vesuviana 2
Buffalo 1
Cervere 1
Innsbruck 1
Livorno 1
Nagoya 1
New York 1
Secaucus 1
Tower Hamlets 1
Totale 471
Nome #
Bayesian interpretation of the prefrontal P2 ERP component based on stimulus/response mapping uncertainty 25
A passive exoskeleton can push your life up Application on multiple sclerosis patients 12
Modulation of anticipatory visuospatial attention in sustained and transient tasks 12
The Study of Anticipatory Brain Activity in Cognitive Tasks by Means of Event-Related Potential, Frequency, and Time-Frequency Methods 12
Latency of pro-saccades and anti-saccades in professional shooters 11
The role of the prefrontal cortex in the development of muscle fatigue in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A patients 11
Influence of the radial and vertical dimensions on lateral neglect 11
Central and peripheral mechanisms of muscle fatigue in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A patients 11
Electrophysiological Correlates of Different Proactive Controls during Response Competition and Inhibition Tasks 10
Integration of cognitive-motor dual-task training in physical sessions of highly-skilled basketball players 10
The motor preparation of directionally incompatible movements 9
Brain Plasticity Induced by Musical Expertise on Proactive and Reactive Cognitive Functions 9
The proactive self-Control of actions: Time-Course of underlying brain activities 9
Esplorazione funzionale delle aree visive cerebrali 9
Immediate cortical adaptation in visual and non‐visual areas functions induced by monovision 8
Loss of visual information in neglect: The effect of chromatic- versus luminance-contrast stimuli in a ‘what' task 8
Electrophysiological evidence of sustained spatial attention effects over anterior cortex: Possible contribution of the anterior Insula 8
Electrophysiological signs of stronger auditory processing in females than males during passive listening 7
Impaired Visual Processing of Contralesional Stimuli in Neglect Patients: A Visual-Evoked Potential Study 7
Modality predictability modulation confirms the sensorial readiness function of the pre-stimulus activity in sensory brain areas 7
Does sport type matter? The effect of sport discipline on cognitive control strategies in preadolescents 7
How do different movement references influence ERP related to gait initiation? A comparative methods' assessment 7
Objects are Highlighted by Spatial Attention 7
The processing of Which interrogative sentences: A behavioral and ERP study 7
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation effects on neglect: a visual-evoked potential study 7
New Insights into Old Waves. Matching Stimulus- and Response-Locked ERPs on the Same Time-Window 7
Effect of exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation over prefrontal cortex in multiple sclerosis patients: a neuroimaging pilot study 7
Effect of Practice on Brain Activity: An investigation in Top-Level Rifle Shooters 7
A non-pharmacologic treatment for anxiety in older adults based on cognitive-motor training with response-generated feedback 7
Hemispheric differences in VEPs to lateralised stimuli are a marker of recovery from neglect 7
Identification of the cortical sources of the pattern-reversal VEP 6
I Potenziali Evocati Somestesici "giganti" in alcune sindromi epilettiche: studio della topografia e dei dipoli equivalenti. Considerazioni sul ruolo dei Potenziali Evocati in Epilettologia 6
The "serendipitous brain": low expectancy and timing uncertainty of conscious events improve awareness of unconscious ones (evidence from the Attentional Blink) 6
Cortical dynamics in visual areas induced by the first use of multifocal contact lenses in presbyopes 6
Sex Differences in Cognitive-Motor Dual-Task Training Effects and in Brain Processing of Semi-Elite Basketball Players 6
Neural substrates of perceptual enhancement by crossmodal spatial attention 6
How the brain prevents a second error in a perceptual decision-making task 6
Special issue: Neural bases of cognitive processing 5
Specific effect of a cognitive-motor dual-task training on sport performance and brain processing associated with decision-making in semi-elite basketball players 5
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Cortical Sources of the Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential 5
Executive functions and performance variability measured by event-related potentials to understand the neural bases of perceptual decision-making 5
I know what I will see: action specific motor preparation activity in a passive observation task 5
Effect of anticipatory multisensory integration on sensory–motor performance 5
Disentangling metaphor from context: An ERP study 5
Neural Basis of Anticipatory Multisensory Integration 5
Abnormal visual event-related potential in obsessive-compulsive disorder without panic disorder or depression comorbidity 5
Time course of reactive brain activities during a Stroop color-word task: Evidence of specific facilitation and interference effects. 5
Targeted isometric force impulses in patients with traumatic brain injury reveal delayed motor programming and change of strategy 5
Testing a multicomponent training designed to improve sprint, agility and decision-making in elite basketball players 5
Single-epoch analysis of interleaved evoked potentials and fMRI responses during steady-state visual stimulation 5
Cerebral mechanisms of hypnotic hypoesthesia. An ERP investigation on the expectancy stage of perception 5
Alpha band cortico-muscular coherence occurs in healthy individuals during mechanically-induced tremor 5
Automatic gain control contrast mechanisms are modulated by attention in humans: evidence from visual evoked potentials 4
Why do we make mistakes? Neurocognitive processes during the preparation–perception–action cycle and error-detection 4
Stepping forward, stepping backward: a movement-related cortical potential study unveils distinctive brain activities 4
Reduction of anticipatory brain activity in anxious people and regulatory effect of response-related feedback 4
Weak proactive cognitive/motor brain control accounts for poor children's behavioral performance in speeded discrimination tasks 4
An analysis of audio-visual crossmodal integration by means of event related potential (ERP) recordings 4
Effects of sustained, voluntary attention on amplitude and latency of steady-state visual evoked potential: a costs and benefits analysis 4
The cortical sources of the early components of the visual evoked potential 4
Spatial attention has different effects on the magno- and parvo-cellular pathways 4
Combination of BOLD-fMRI and VEP recordings for spin echo MRI detection of primary magnetic effects caused by neuronal currents 4
Electrophysiological Correlates of Amplified Emotion-Related Cognitive Processing Evoked by Self-Administered Disgust Images 4
Brain dynamics of visual anticipation during spatial occlusion tasks in expert tennis players 4
Orderly organization of vowels in the auditory brain: the neuronal correlates of the Italian vowels 4
Electroencephalographic evidence of vowels computation and representation in human auditory cortex 4
Electrophysiological indexes of the cognitive-motor trade-off associated with motor response complexity in a cognitive task 4
Normative Event-Related Potentials from sensory and cognitive tasks reveal occipital and frontal activities prior and following visual events 4
Acute effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on cortical dynamics and reflex activation 4
Sustained visuospatial attention enhances lateralized anticipatory ERP activity in sensory areas 4
Temporal spectral evolution of pre-stimulus brain activity in visual and visuomotor tasks 4
Contribution of cognitive functions to postural control in anticipating self-paced and externally-triggered lower-limb perturbations 4
Effect of task complexity on motor and cognitive preparatory brain activities 4
The temporal coupling effect: Preparation and execution of bimanual reaching movements 4
Giant somatosensory evoked potentials in different clinical conditions: Scalp topography and dipole source analysis 4
Hemispheric asymmetries in the transition from action preparation to execution 4
Analysis of the effects of mechanically induced tremor on EEG-EMG coherence using wavelet and partial directed coherence 4
Cortical reorganization following inferior limb elongation in normal subject 3
Exercise-Related Cognitive Effects on Sensory-Motor Control in Athletes and Drummers Compared to Non-athletes and Other Musicians 3
Benefits of physical exercise on basic visuo-motor functions across age 3
Missing the Target: the Neural Processing Underlying the Omission Error 3
Exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation training improves cognitive and motor functions in multiple sclerosis patients 3
Alpha EEG-EMG coherence during mechanically induced tremor 3
Effects of Spatial Congruity on Audio-Visual Multimodal Integration 3
Benefits of sports participation for executive function in disabled athletes 3
Parallel motion signals to the medial and lateral motion areas V6 and MT+ 3
Refractive error and vision correction in a general sports playing population 3
Visually evoked responses from the blind field of hemianopic patients 3
Spatio-temporal mapping of motor preparation for self-paced saccades 3
Awareness of perception and sensory-motor integration: ERPs from the anterior insula 3
Malleability of the self: electrophysiological correlates of the enfacement illusion 3
The neurophysiology of central and peripheral fatigue during sub-maximal lower limb isometric contractions 3
Preparatory ERPs in visual, auditory and somatosensory discriminative motor tasks 3
Visual evoked potential are affected by trunk rotation in neglect patients 3
The role of task complexity on frontal event-related potentials and evidence in favour of the epiphenomenal interpretation of the go/no-go N2 effect 3
Neuroelectric evidences of top-down hypnotic modulation associated with somatosensory processing of sensory and limbic regions 3
Beyond the “Bereitschaftspotential”: Action Preparation Behind Cognitive Functions 3
The Influence of a Specific Cognitive-Motor Training Protocol on Planning Abilities and Visual Search in Young Soccer Players 3
Fixation stability and saccadic latency in èlite shooters 3
I movimenti oculari di schermidori, arbitri e soggetti non esperti durante l'osservazione di un assalto di scherma 3
Totale 562
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.420
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.420

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/2024204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204
2024/2025517 23 90 191 175 9 29 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 721