Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 254
EU - Europa 113
AS - Asia 89
OC - Oceania 5
Totale 461
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 243
SG - Singapore 45
GB - Regno Unito 37
FR - Francia 32
IT - Italia 26
HK - Hong Kong 14
IN - India 12
KR - Corea 8
LT - Lituania 8
CA - Canada 7
ID - Indonesia 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
DE - Germania 4
MX - Messico 4
AT - Austria 3
BE - Belgio 2
JP - Giappone 2
CN - Cina 1
IR - Iran 1
NL - Olanda 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 461
Città #
Columbus 67
Chicago 32
Paris 31
Springfield 24
Singapore 22
Ashburn 21
Fort Worth 18
Prineville 16
Seattle 15
Hong Kong 14
Milan 11
Rome 10
Southport 8
Norwich 7
Pohang 5
Santa Clara 5
Toronto 5
London 4
Bandung 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Lewisham 3
Mexico City 3
Norfolk 3
Prescott 3
Vienna 3
Bellinzago Lombardo 2
Birmingham 2
Botley 2
Brussels 2
Chennai 2
Chiswick 2
Coimbatore 2
Coventry 2
Des Moines 2
Hamilton 2
Hyderabad 2
Liverpool 2
Ottawa 2
Shimla 2
Surat 2
Bloomington 1
Buffalo 1
Castignano 1
Daejeon 1
Falkenstein 1
Gustavo Adolfo Madero 1
Hanoi 1
Ilford 1
Jakarta 1
La Baule-Escoublac 1
Lawrence 1
Reading 1
Semarang 1
Shiki 1
Totale 380
Nome #
MotoGP trend analysis. A decade of the motorcycling world championship 43
Neck balance system in the treatment of chronic mechanical neck pain: a prospective randomized controlled study 26
Physical fitness assessment in multiple sclerosis patients: a controlled study 18
Relationship between physical activity and cognitive decline in aging 16
Relationship between participation in lean sports and body image distortion: a controlled study 14
Iron assessment in elite athletes 12
A national COVID-19 quarantine survey and its impact on the Italian sports community: Implications and recommendations 12
Active breaks: a strategy to counteract sedentary behaviors for Health Promoting Schools. A discussion on their implementation in Italy 11
Effects of static and dynamic stretching on upper limb explosive, isometric and endurance strength, in male volleyball players 10
Acute effect of whole body vibration on balance in blind vs. no-blind athletes: a preliminary study 9
Isoinertial eccentric-overload training in young soccer players: Effects on strength, sprint, change of direction, agility and soccer shooting precision 9
Effects of resistance training on jumping performance in pre-adolescent rhythmic gymnasts: a randomized controlled study 8
Acute effect of Whole body vibration on balance in soccer players:a controlled study 8
The acute effect of different stretching methods on flexibility and jumping performance in competitive artistic gymnasts 8
Effectiveness of a new cervical pillow on pain and sleep quality in recreational athletes with chronic mechanical neck pain: A preliminary comparative study 8
Prevalence of low back pain in former rhythmic gymnasts 8
Time of day - effects on motor coordination and reactive strength in elite athletes and untrained adolescents 8
Psychological Wellbeing and Perceived Fatigue in Competitive Athletes after SARS-CoV-2 Infection 2 Years after Pandemic Start: Practical Indications 8
Body image perception and satisfaction in elite rhytmic gymnasts: a controlled study 8
Knee injuries at landing and take-off phase in gymnastics 7
Impact of Active Breaks in the Classroom on Mathematical Performance and Attention in Elementary School Children 7
A Systematic Review of Flywheel Training Effectiveness and Application on Sport Specific Performances 7
Disordered eating behaviors in rhythmic gymnasts: A survey to investigate the coaches' point of view on the management 7
Factors influencing performance of competitive and amateur rhythmic gymnastics-Gender differences 7
Are change of direction speed and reactive agility useful for determining the optimal field position for young soccer players? 7
.”Body image in aesthetic female sport” 7
Anthropometric characteristics evolution in elite rhythmic gymnasts 7
Judging the judges' performance in rhythmic gymnastics 7
A Single Session of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation Increases Muscle Strength, Endurance and proNGF in Early Parkinson Patients 7
Effect of whole body vibration frequency on neuromuscular activity in ACL-deficient and healthy males 6
Different consecutive training protocols to design an intervention program for overweight youth: a controlled study 6
The optimal whole body vibration frequency effects on postural responses in soccer players 6
Stress Impact of COVID-19 Sports Restrictions on Disabled Athletes 6
Twelve-Week Exercise Influences Memory Complaint but not Memory Performance in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Study 6
Is the menstrual delay a serious problem for elite rhythmic gymnasts? 6
The effect of an orthotic device for balancing neck muscles during daily office tasks 6
,” Efficacy of a physical retraining program in COPD subjects “ 6
Psychological well-being and social participation assessment in visual impaired subjects playing Torball: a controller study 6
Influence of Static Stretching on technical leap scores in Rhythmic Gymnastics 5
Effects of rhythmical and extra-rhythmical qualities of music on hearth rate during stationary bike activities 5
Effects of educational rhythm-based learning on coordinative motor performance and sports enjoyment of male and female pupils 5
Time-of-day effects on static and dynamic balance in elite junior athletes and untrained adolescents 5
Efficacy Motor Skill learning as a talent indicator in Rhythmic Gymnastics “ 5
Effects of different types of physical activity on the cognitive functions and attention in older people: A randomized controlled study 5
Improving neuro-muscular performance in young basketball players: plyometric vs. technique training 5
Dissemination of the “WADA's outreach model on antidoping” in youth sport 5
Effects of rhythmical and extra rhythmical musical qualities on Spinning™ performance 5
Benefits of selected physical exercise programs in detention: a randomized controlled study 5
No Risk of Anorexia Nervosa in Young Rhythmic Gymnasts: What are the Practical Implications of what is Already Known? 5
Leaping ability and body composition in rhythmic gymnasts for talent identification 5
Long-Term Physical Activity Effectively Reduces the Consumption of Antihypertensive Drugs: A Randomized Controlled Trial 4
Comparison between physical conditioning status and improvement in artistic gymnasts and non-athletes peers 4
Agility and change of direction in soccer: Differences according to the player ages 4
A description of skeletal manifestation in adult case of Morquio Syndrome: radiographic and MRI appearance 4
Use of video observation and motor imagery on jumping performance in national rhythmic gymnastics athletes 4
Precompetition warm-up in elite and subelite rhythmic gymnastics 4
The Impact of Age, Gender and Technical Experience on Three Motor Coordination Skills in Children Practicing Taekwondo 4
Special Olympics swimming: positive effects on young people with Down syndrome 4
Time of day-effects on motor coordination and reactive strength in elite atheletes and untrained adolescences 4
ACE and AGRI polymorphisms in elite Rhythmic Gymnastics 4
Protective role of exercise on breast cancer-related osteoporosis in women undergoing aromatase inhibitors: A narrative review 4
Anthropometric and menstrual characteristics of elite rhythmic gymnasts: comparison between two periods 4
Motor learning as young gymnast's talent indicator 4
Is menstrual delay a serious problem for elite rhythmic gymnasts? 4
Resistance Training Using Flywheel Device Improves the Shot Precision in Senior Elite Tennis Players: A Randomized Controlled Study 4
Short-term effect of whole-body vibration training on balance, flexibility and lower limb explosive strength in elite rhythmic gymnasts. 4
Mental health and social participation skills of wheelchair basketball players: a controlled study 3
No risk of anorexia nervosa in young rhythmic gymnasts: what are the practical implications of what is already know? 3
Effects of early whole-body vibration treatment on knee neuromuscular function and postural control after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A randomized controlled trial 3
Effects of accentuated eccentric training vs plyometric training on performance of young elite fencers 3
Multi-dimensional flow cytometry analysis reveals increasing changes in the systemic neutrophil compartment during seven consecutive days of endurance exercise 3
Pre-exercise static stretching effect on leaping performance in elite rhythmic gymnasts 3
Effects of combined training vs aerobic training on cognitive functions in COPD: A randomized controlled trial 3
Does warm-up type matter? A comparison between traditional and functional inertial warm-up in young soccer players 3
Psychological well-being and social participation assessment in visually impaired subjects playing Torball: a controlled study 3
Mental training in Rhythmic Gymnasts: actual training habits and effectiveness of practice on technical learning 3
Psychological Impact of the Quarantine-Induced Stress during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak among Italian Athletes 3
Physical exercise for prevention of dementia (EPD) study: Background, design and methods 3
Enhancing Behavioural Changes: A Narrative Review on the Effectiveness of a Multifactorial APP-Based Intervention Integrating Physical Activity 3
Whole body-electromyostimulation effects on serum biomarkers, physical performances and fatigue in Parkinson's patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial 3
Exploring the Enjoyment of the Intergenerational Physical Activity 2
Acute effect of whole body vibration on postural control in congenitally blind subjects: a preliminary evidence 2
Participation in a 9-month selected physical exercise programme enhances psychological well-being in a prison population 2
Leaping ability in Rhythmic Gymnastics, 2
Exploring rhythmic pattern in blind runners: a pilot study 1
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 4 Years after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Adolescents with Different Levels of Physical Activity Engagement: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study 1
Assessing the Impact of Fencing on Postural Parameters: Observational Study Findings on Elite Athletes 1
Advanced Wearable Devices for Monitoring Sweat Biochemical Markers in Athletic Performance: A Comprehensive Review 1
Does the Type of Anaerobic Test Matter? A Comparison between the Anaerobic Intermittent Kick Test and Wingate Anaerobic Test in Taekwondo Athletes 1
Kinesiological Rehabilitation in a Young Adult with Biceps Femoralis Arteriovenous Malformation: A Case Study 1
Bridging Generations Through Movement: “How and Why” Intergenerational Programs Operate—A Systematic and Narrative Review 1
Acute Effects of Combining Whole-Body Electromyostimulation with Resistance Training in Active Women 1
Regular Physical Activity Can Counteract LONG COVID Symptoms in Adults over 40 1
Enhancing Physical and Cognitive Efficiency in Elderly Individuals at Risk for Dementia Using Whole-Body Electrostimulation: A Randomized Controlled Trial 1
Enhancing Focus and Short Reaction Time in Épée Fencing: The Power of the Science Vision Training Academy System 1
Totale 565
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.876
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.876

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86
2024/2025479 0 44 101 134 8 78 96 18 0 0 0 0
Totale 565