1 Contributo su Rivista
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.627
EU - Europa 1.567
AS - Asia 765
SA - Sud America 33
OC - Oceania 12
AF - Africa 10
Totale 9.014
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.389
IT - Italia 853
SG - Singapore 605
GB - Regno Unito 227
CA - Canada 216
DE - Germania 157
BE - Belgio 117
LT - Lituania 105
CN - Cina 52
HK - Hong Kong 25
TR - Turchia 20
BR - Brasile 19
FR - Francia 19
MX - Messico 18
ES - Italia 13
PT - Portogallo 12
ID - Indonesia 11
IN - India 10
NL - Olanda 10
AT - Austria 8
AU - Australia 8
HU - Ungheria 8
IR - Iran 8
JP - Giappone 8
KR - Corea 7
PK - Pakistan 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
CO - Colombia 6
RU - Federazione Russa 6
PE - Perù 5
CH - Svizzera 4
IL - Israele 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PL - Polonia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
GR - Grecia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AR - Argentina 2
AW - Aruba 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EE - Estonia 2
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
IS - Islanda 2
PH - Filippine 2
RO - Romania 2
UA - Ucraina 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
FI - Finlandia 1
KE - Kenya 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 9.014
Città #
Columbus 2.761
Chicago 1.389
Ashburn 592
Springfield 501
Fort Worth 472
Prineville 411
Singapore 365
Rome 283
Toronto 118
Brussels 113
London 110
Frankfurt am Main 101
Ottawa 81
Milan 79
Santa Clara 62
Turin 27
Bari 24
Secaucus 23
Hong Kong 20
Naples 19
Bologna 17
Terracina 12
Florence 11
Pescara 11
Istanbul 9
Waterdown 9
Barcelona 7
Budapest 7
Lahore 7
Messina 7
Monterrey 6
Pollena Trocchia 6
Trieste 6
Vienna 6
Atakum 5
Biella 5
Cammarata 5
Capaccio 5
Carmagnola 5
Fuzhou 5
Lima 5
Padova 5
Aci Catena 4
Amsterdam 4
Bogotá 4
Bonn 4
Castelli Calepio 4
Chapecó 4
Detroit 4
Duren Tiga 4
Forest City 4
Gunzenhausen 4
Hamburg 4
Johannesburg 4
Katsushika 4
Lambeth 4
Lisbon 4
Montesilvano Marina 4
Mount Pleasant 4
Nuremberg 4
Odivelas 4
Pavia 4
Porto 4
Porto San Giorgio 4
Sydney 4
Taiyuan 4
Treviso 4
Viterbo 4
Almeirim Municipality 3
Arcene 3
Bandung 3
Berlin 3
Boa Vista do Gurupi 3
Bratislava 3
Brescia 3
Cape Town 3
Castignano 3
Catania 3
Chatham 3
Crotone 3
Des Moines 3
Edinburgh 3
Empoli 3
Fondi 3
Fontana 3
Genoa 3
Gubbio 3
Gustavo Adolfo Madero 3
Jakarta 3
Lawrenceville 3
Lecce 3
Levate 3
Livorno 3
L’Aquila 3
Madrid 3
Molfetta 3
Mugnano di Napoli 3
Norfolk 3
Oakville 3
Palermo 3
Totale 7.912
Nome #
Sport, famiglia ed educazione: uno studio pilota sulle influenze dei genitori nella scelta delle pratiche sportive degli studenti universitari di scienze motorie 54
La pedagogia dell'orientamento sportivo: una prospettiva teorica 48
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) rapidly increase after maximal aerobic exercise in healthy males: the lowering effect of phosphodiesterase's type 5 inhibitors on DHT response to exercise-related stress 46
Peer Education strategies for promoting prevention of doping in different populations 43
Pestalozzi e l'educazione del corpo: attualità di una pedagogia 38
Cobalt-chromium alloys in dentistry: An evaluation of metal ion release 30
La pedagogia dell'alimentazione: contributo ad una teoresi educativa 28
Hepcidin as possible new indirect biomarker for blood doping 25
La percezione della diversità a scuola attraverso l’Avventura di Simone: Uno studio esplorativo 24
Sport, educazione e valori: una mappa concettuale critica 24
Redes sociales, valores educativos y desarrollo del pensamiento crítico 24
Sport e inclusione: uno studio esplorativo sul Sitting Volley 24
Inspiratory Muscle Training in young basketball players: preliminary evaluation 24
Monitoring Training Load and Perceived Recovery in Female Basketball: Implications for Training Design 23
The impact of increased teaching load on the subjective well-being of female teachers in Russia and Italy 23
Age and gender differences in motor creativity among Italian elementary school children 23
Una terza via per lo sport. Lo sport integrato 22
Equine-assisted therapy for breast-cancer survivors 22
[Comparison of cultural methods for the recovery of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: the UNI EN ISO 16266 reference method and the alternative method Pseudalert]. FT Confronto di metodi colturali per il rilevamento di Pseudomonas aeruginosa: il metodo di riferimento UNI EN ISO 16266 e il metodo alternativo Pseudalert 21
Acute effects of whole-body vibration on unilateral isometric knee extensors maximal torque and fatigability during an intermittent endurance task in adult males 19
Neuroplastic alterations in common synaptic inputs and synergistic motor unit clusters controlling the vastii muscles of individuals with ACL reconstruction 18
TiO2 photocatalytic degradation of caffeine and ecotoxicological assessment of oxidation by-products 17
The Prostacyclin Analogue Iloprost Modulates CXCL10 in Systemic Sclerosis 17
Bayesian interpretation of the prefrontal P2 ERP component based on stimulus/response mapping uncertainty 17
Sport and male sexuality 16
The “Erasmus” Programme in the European and multipolar educational area 16
I percorsi dell'integrazione. Antonio Maglio: dalla riabilitazione al Progetto di vita delle persone con disabilità 16
Platelet Activation Favours NOX2-Mediated Muscle Damage in Elite Athletes: The Role of Cocoa-Derived Polyphenols. 16
Phytonutrients and weight control: the role of polyphenols 15
Do people meet the global recommended level of physical activity? An investigation in Northern Italy. La popolazione soddisfa il livello globale raccomandato di attività fisica? Un’indagine nel Nord Italia 15
Giochi al Casinò e contratti collegati. La Cassazione ancora trascura l’applicazione dell’art. 1935 c.c. e ricorreai bizantinismi 15
Toxicity assessment within the application of in situ contaminated sediment remediation technologies: A review 15
Performance analysis in youth waterbasket – a physiological, time motion, and notational analysis of a new aquatic team sport 15
Attività motorie e sportive integrate: aspetti teorici e pratici 15
The phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor sildenafil improves DNA stability and redox homeostasis in systemic sclerosis fibroblasts exposed to reactive oxygen species 15
Baskin: quando lo sport è per e di tutti 14
A hitchhiker's guide to assessing young people's motor competence: deciding what method to use 14
Abdominal and lumbar muscles strength gains using two types of sit-up exercises 14
Relationship between participation in lean sports and body image distortion: a controlled study 14
Insegnamento prescrittivo o apprendimento euristico? Implicazioni didattiche delle teorie cognitive ed ecologico-dinamiche dell'apprendimento motorio a confronto e prospettive d'integrazione 14
Physical fitness assessment in multiple sclerosis patients: a controlled study 14
Dancing with Health: Quality of life and physical improvements from an EU collaborative dance programme with women following breast cancer treatment 14
Contribution of resident stem cells to liver and biliary tree regeneration in human diseases 14
Judo for older adults: the coaches' knowledge and needs of education. 13
Physical activity in the prevention and management of inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review 13
Dieci lezioni di pedagogia per le scienze motorie e sportive 13
Relationship between physical activity and cognitive decline in aging 13
A rainfall data analysis for the archeological drawing of the Augustan aqueduct route 13
Divergent thinking and homolateral interlimb coordination among Mindful Movement practitioners. 13
Ag-Decorated Titania Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Applications 13
Supplements and endocrine system in athletes 13
Facciamo il punto sulla Pedagogia speciale 13
Sport activity and early knee osteoarthritis: an up-to-date review of risk factors, diagnosis, classification and management 13
Valutazione delle capacità di mantenimento dell' equilibrio statico in ginnastica artistica e ritmico sportiva 12
A passive exoskeleton can push your life up Application on multiple sclerosis patients 12
Heart rate and match analysis in pre-pubescent soccer players 12
Inserimento-Integrazione delle persone con disabilità tra pubblico e privato dopo la Legge 104 12
In Silico Predicting the Presence of the S100B Motif in Edible Plants and Detecting Its Immunoreactive Materials: Perspectives for Functional Foods, Dietary Supplements and Phytotherapies 12
Assessment of maximal cardiorespiratory performance and muscle power in the Italian Olympic judoka 12
"I want it all, and i want it now": Lifetime prevalence and reasons for using and abstaining from controlled performance and appearance enhancing substances (PAES) among young exercisers and amateur athletes in five European countries 12
Iron assessment in elite athletes 12
Modulation of anticipatory visuospatial attention in sustained and transient tasks 12
Physiological and technical aspects of "6-a-side" soccer drills 12
Morphometrical analysis of types and sub-types of neurons in dorsal root ganglia of the lizard Podarcis sicula 12
Knockout of the neurokinin-1 receptor reduces cholangiocyte proliferation in bile duct-ligated mice 12
The phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor tadalafil regulates lipidic homeostasis in human skeletal muscle cell metabolism 12
Prima adozione degli Ias-Ifrs nelle società di calcio quotate in borsa 12
Erice 2018 Charter on the role of the National Health Service in the prevention of doping 12
Neuromagnetic responses reveal the cortical timing of audiovisual synchrony 12
Ecofriendly nanotechnologies and nanomaterials for environmental applications: Key issue and consensus recommendations for sustainable and ecosafe nanoremediation 12
A step forward in the defense against infections: from gut microbiome to postbiotics 11
Assessment of pN-GAL as a marker of renal function in elite cyclists during professional competitions 11
Holistic Functioning from a Developmental Perspective: A New Synthesis with a Focus on a Multi-tiered System Support Structure. 11
Latency of pro-saccades and anti-saccades in professional shooters 11
The role of the prefrontal cortex in the development of muscle fatigue in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A patients 11
Influence of the radial and vertical dimensions on lateral neglect 11
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption after different moderate physical activities in a healthy female population 11
The Use of Wearable Sensors for Preventing, Assessing, and Informing Recovery from Sport-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Scoping Review 11
A new efficient antibacterial nanohybrid obtained by direct conjugation of titania and silver nanoparticles 11
The Medical Services for the Torino 2006 Olympic and Paralympic winter Games basic medical and emergency services and anti-doping control 11
Central and peripheral mechanisms of muscle fatigue in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A patients 11
A modified bone-tendon-bone harvesting technique for avoiding tibial tunnel-graft mismatch in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 11
Electrophoretic analysis of neuronal genomic DNA from hypertrophic spinal ganglia during lizard tail regeneration 11
Impact of different concentrations of human recombinant growth hormone on T lymphocytes 11
“Posture first”: interaction between posture and locomotion in people with and without low back pain during unexpectedly cued modification of perturbed gait initiation motor command 11
"Febbre da cavallo". Quel che resta delle scommesse sportive ex art. 1934 c.c. 11
SIAMOC position paper on gait analysis in clinical practice: General requirements, methods and appropriateness. Results of an Italian consensus conference 11
Exercise, Redox Homeostasis and the Epigenetic Landscape 11
Effect of power, pedal rate, and force on average muscle fiber conduction velocity during cycling 11
A rapid PFGE protocol for typing Legionella isolates from fresh or frozen samples 11
Relationships of Changes in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior With Changes in Physical Fitness and Cardiometabolic Risk Profile in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: The Italian Diabetes and Exercise Study 2 (IDES_2) 11
Effects of the training status on the hormonal response and recovery from high-intensity isokinetic exercise: comparison between endurance-trained athletes and sedentary subjects 11
Variability of estimates of muscle fiber conduction velocity and surface EMG amplitude across subjects and processing intervals 10
Age-related ultrastructural and monoamine oxidase changes in the rat optic nerve 10
Cancer progression: a single cell perspective 10
The ambivalence of the city. From classical thought to the pandemic 10
Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I responses to moderate submaximal acute physical exercise in man: effect of octreotide, a somatostatin analogue, administration 10
El entrenador como educador: la perspectiva de la filosofía de la educación 10
Totale 1.598

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20243.675 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.675
2024/20259.145 145 1.735 2.827 3.972 323 143 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.820